Hi! Feel free to use these across the webs! Here are my 'rules':

1. If you reupload them to a social media site, including but not limited to tumblr, deviantart, twitter/x, etc: Please link my website.

2. If you use them for your own neocities, or other personal website (including stuff such as spacehey): When you save them, please add 'by bugsbg' or 'by bbg' to the file name. You can use them however much you want as long as the name remains.

3. If you transform them (ie, use them in a collage that is it's own file, or edit them to have different colors): No credit needed, have fun.

I know the culture for blinkies is very sharing based! These 'rules' are how I also treat blinkies I 'adopt'. I love my blinkies and I want to make sure they have a little bit of home on them, so please respect my wishes!






None yet!

Template Base: ©repth